Schamet made the choice to self publish for several reasons. The most important reason is that she was able to control the outcome of her product. She had a vision that Om Baby had to be printed using soy inks, recycled paper, and that a tree should be planted for each book sold. Schamet also decided that she would not cut costs by having her books made or printed in China for political reasons. If she had been published she would not be able to make those decisions. Another reason Schamet decided to self publish was the amazing learning curve that it provided as Schamet loves a good challenge! And the best part of all it has inspired others to also make their dreams come true. Which is what Om Baby is about. You don't necessarily always have to follow "the rules" in order to do what you want to do. You don't have to "fit into" a square hole if you are a round peg.
Be who you want to be and do what you love! Schamet believes that dreams do come true and you don't need someone else to make them come true for you. You just have to believe in you and get out there and do it! BE who you want to be and do something that matters. YOU can make your dreams come true!
On that note.....
Om Baby signed a petition to stop the destruction of rain forests and so can you!
Every time you buy a "cheap book" ask yourself....
Is it "cheap" or is it "deceptively expensive" in the long run.
Please take the time to be informed...Please read/sign this petition from Rain Forest Action Network.
New Report Finds Top Children’s Book Publishers Using Paper Linked to Rainforest Destruction